6 yet-unpublished case studies

Avast Upsell Campaign A/B/C/D Test Avast

Michal Pařízek

AVAST Software

E–mail marketing is dead. Long live e–mail marketing!

Lenka Fučíková

Account Manager, Nydrle

How we managed to get 5x more visits after a few tweaks – House of Řezáč

Jan Řezáč

House of Řezáč

How content marketing influences sales – TchiboBlog.cz

Martin Brixí


How to build a successful YouTube channel in 6 months - Case study of the Czech olympic team

Andrea Hurychová

WeDigital Prague

How we divided the whole country into 3,5 mio house numbers and launched highly targeted content multi-channel strategy

Pavel Pajkrt


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